Saturday, August 2, 2008

Messy Shmessy

Deal Carol,

I have a teenage daughter who is just so messy. Her room is never clean and no matter what approach I take she never keeps her room clean. I try to keep my home clean so I'm trying to be a good example, but her room is a mess. Grounding her just doesn't help...

I need help. Thank you

-Dirty in Detroit

Dear Dirty in Detroit,

Let her know that if she doesn't clean her room that privileges will be taken away. Take away minor things like candy and cake. Then if it worsens take away TV and computer or cell phone. And if that doesn't work then use the tactic my parents use: empty her closet of all clothes. Leave her with enough clothes for a week and PJ's. Don't just empty her closets also do her desk and nightstand. Just leave clothes. As she starts to do better then gradually give back her things.


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